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Re: Court Information

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:18 pm America/Denver
by Pat Williams
Nikolas wrote: 1. Fact: Tommy Shelton rejected another plea deal from his attorney.

2. Fact: Tommy Shelton has chosen to go to Court.

3. Fact: When what Alex has told in Court is proven to be lies, Tommy will have no choice but to sue for his court expenses.

4. Fact: There has been some talk that Tommy Shelton's attorney advised him to sue.

This came from friends.
Well, we already knew Tommy has always maintained that these two were lying and he was innocent, despite him accepting that plea bargain. So I am very pleased to read Tommy's going to fight them in court now. We certainly have had enough praying for God to bring His will about and that truth and justice will prevail. I will continue to pray that His will be done, and that He preserve Tommy's health and speak to the hearts of all involved. God knows all, and what's best and will answer accordingly.

I read this. Then I read some of the reaction on Pickle's forum. It seems to me some they are so busy reacting they haven't stopped to think. Alex maintains it doesn't bother him that he has to go to court now, but I tend to disbelieve him. The case is weak. For one he has a family according to the court document who it seems will testify that there was no opportunity, and that he lies. Second, he has no witnesses while Tommy does. Third, his testimony keeps changing so it isn't credible , and that's all the evidence there is according to the prosecutor.

Another of the things which has changed about his testimony which I noticed, but which wasn't brought up in the court document was the difference in age from his initial police report. News Release: 08/080/2600/BW/(3) from the Fairfax County Police Department:
"In November of 2008, a 22-year-old man contacted police to report that he had been molested by Shelton when he was 8 to 9 years old."

Of course Pickle got a statement from him way before this and always maintained he was 8 years old also, so I don't know how that could be a mistake. But strangely when Alex testified in court the story is he was 11 years old. That appears to be a big difference to me, and I have seen no explanation for it.

Of course Pickle had a statement from Dennis Turley also which was also different then his police statements, and court reports of oral sex. In Dennis' first statement which was either taken by Pickle, or given to Pickle by Glenn Dryden, Dennis says that Tommy only "tempted[sic] to kiss him and preform oral sex on him" etc.. Yet his later statement says it was more than attempts it actually occurred several times. I do remember though that at the first hearing before the grand Jury the Prosecutor had to reduce the charges as Dennis' subsequent testimony didn't support them.

So the original 5 counts are back against Tommy and it appears she will have to reduce them again....

This should be interesting as it progresses.

Another thing I want to comment about here are Gregory Matthew's posts on adventtalk. He posted:
"Alex: You should not be worried about any litigation against you, as I understand the way the courts work in the U.S."
This after he gave an explanation in an earlier post in reply to Alex's, claiming:
I can not help myself, I just have to reply to that post:

Yes, I have stated that if TS goes to trial, it will not be a slam-dunk. TS might be found guilty and he might be found not guilty.

So, if he is found not guilty, can he sue those who have accused him? Yes, one can file a suit for just about any reason at all. However, the mere filing of a lawsuit does not mean that it will ever go to trial and to judgement. [NOTE: One of the first motions in a trial is often to dismiss the lawsuit. Sometimes the litigation is dismissed without going to trail.] If it goes to trial, it does not mean that a favorable verdict will be obtained.

In my opinion: If TS is found Not Guilty, he will have almost zero chance of collecting anything from those who have accused him on the basis of anything which involves that trial--the charges and/or sworn testimony are included in my statement. 1) The thought that a jury would award TS damages against the plaintifs reveals, in my mind a fundamental misunderstanding of what juries are likely to do in such cases. 2) The plaintifs are represented by competent council. Those attornies would not allow anything to happen. connected to the trail, that would make their clients subject to such damages.

Is there any way that TS might collect damages from someone? Yes, I think that there is a way. Perhaps TS could collect from someone on the basis of posts made in this forum!

However, there are two issues associated with that: 1) As I read TS, I do not beleive that he would want to be involved in such litigation. 2) TS could only collect if the person had the means to pay the judgement.

I do not believe Gregory Matthews knows Tommy Shelton, although I may be mistaken, but the point here is that Gregory Matthews appears to be speaking from a bias, and according to his view that Alex and Dennis are telling the truth and that Tommy is guilty. Although he claims he may or he may not be found guilty , and he may, or he may not be found innocent by a court of law........... Thus GM's opinion and reassuring to Alex is one sided. He fails to take into account what Alex was replying to which was Nikolas' post above:

" When what Alex has told in Court is proven to be lies, Tommy will have no choice but to sue for his court expenses." "...Tommy Shelton's attorney advised him to sue"

Tommy, may I remind all, has lost his home, his retirement and much more in all of this.

Courts and Juries do not look kindly on perjury, nor does the police. If Alex (or Dennis) is indeed proven to be lying in court, he is gonna be in big trouble, and if GM was really trying to impartially comment, and explain things, he should have at least pointed that out to him imo.

This is also from the Fairfax County Police Department In Virginia:
Be advised that it is a crime to make a false police report. Anyone found to have submitted a false police report will be prosecuted under the authority of Virginia State Code, Section 18.2-461, which shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor. Maximum possible penalty is one year in jail and/or $2,500 fine.
I'm sure some will freak out, like Alex already did, saying I am trying to intimidate him. That's ok, I'm not. I am just saying one should consider all. The courts will decide fairly, God willing.

Administration Note

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:27 am America/Denver
by Cynthia
All related topics have been merged together into this one thread. Please see the announcement regarding this before continuing to post or reply here.

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Thank you

Re: Alex Walker...

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:19 pm America/Denver
by Pat Williams
Alex has just replied to my last post above over on Pickle's forum. Most of it imo is not worth replying to or repeating here. I would like to respond to two things however as I don't want to give the impression I have some inside scoop, or inside source feeding me information as the yokels over there are fond of claiming. I was merely commenting based on the information which has been made publicly available.

Alex wrote: First Pat states this:
"Alex maintains it doesn't bother him that he has to go to court now, but I tend to disbelieve him."
---Pat, I don't care what you believe or don't believe. I mean what I said. It does not at all bother me to go to court. I'm glad you people think so, but you're in for a suprise!
It really makes no difference to me, but for what it's worth, my opinion is based on your own previous decision to accept the plea bargain with significantly reduced charges with only probation and no prison or jail time, after being told the risks of going to trial. It was also based on your own words about never pressing charges, and the testimony of your own family:

From the facebook conversation posted on Pickle's forum:
Alex Larry Walker April 9 at 11:31pm wrote :

As far as me talking to Bob Pickle, yes, I have talked to Bob. However, not
to the extent that people think I have.
As far as the trial, I do not know much. I have not been communicated
with since the arrest. Let me say this, and it is nothing different then what
I told Brad, so I think I can say it.
I did call the detective from fair fax county two years ago. I never pressed
formal charges; actually I never pressed them at all. I had no idea that
Tommy was going to be arrested until after it happened.
I want to make that point crystal clear. That I did communicate with the
police detective, but never met her, nor did I write or file any charges or
statements to her, but the phone conversations.
I have hired attorneys, who are looking into the case, but this has been
since the charges were brought. Honestly, I was advised that it was in my
best interest to get legal counsel so that is what I did. To be honest with
you, how I learned of Tommy’s arrest was a news reporter who called me.
Like I said, I never pressed formal charges.
Bellows asked the prosecutor why she had agreed to the plea deal proposed by defense attorneys Kimberly Irving and Thomas Pavlinic. Stott said she had discussed the proposal with the two victims, and the risks of going to trial, and they had accepted it. She said the only evidence would be the two men's testimony about events up to 15 years ago...
Source: Washington Post By Tom Jackman | July 19, 2010; 12:13 PM ET
From the court document posted in this thread:
Mr. Walker’s own family does not find his story credible. For example, Bradley and Valerie Walker, Mr. Walker’s brother and sister-in-law, both attest that Mr. Walker was never left in the care of Mr. Shelton, and hence would never have had occasion to be alone with him on a bike path. (Bradley and Valerie Walker e-mail dated October 19, 2010.)

Deon and Geneva Walker, Mr. Walker’s parents, also state that Mr. Shelton never cared for Mr. Walker during his childhood. (Deon and Geneva Walker e-mail dated October 18, 2010). Mr. Walker’s parents also point out that while he asks this Court to impose a “heavy” sentence in his Victim Impact Statement, the truth of the matter is that Mr. Walker hopes this Court will “accept the plea bargain and no harm would come to Tommy.” (Id.) His mother explains these inconsistencies by Mr. Walker’s propensity to “hurt others to gain from their misfortune.” (Id.)
I believe that it was also posted that a family member of yours said that you told them after Tommy's arrest that you were going to try and get out of the case as you didn't want to be involved...

alex wrote: Second it states this: -note I say "it" because they talk trash, but don't identify themselves. ---He makes references to the evidence that the prosecutor may or may not have. The prosecutor along with my attorney's believe there is enough evidence in both trials to get a conviction. You further talk about the prosecution having no witnesses...are you sure about that? :)
I feel no need to argue with you about it. I merely posted my own opinion based on the prosecutor's own words on two different occasions in court to the Judge. Witnesses for you were never mentioned. She said, and I quote: "There were no corroborating witnesses." and "she said she did not want to submit her two victims, each almost 30 years old, to potentially grueling trials with the possibility of acquittals."

Bellows asked the prosecutor why she had agreed to the plea deal proposed by defense attorneys Kimberly Irving and Thomas Pavlinic. Stott said she had discussed the proposal with the two victims, and the risks of going to trial, and they had accepted it. She said the only evidence would be the two men's testimony about events up to 15 years ago, that Shelton had not spoken to police and had no prior criminal record.
Source: Washington Post By Tom Jackman | July 19, 2010; 12:13 PM ET
Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney Katherine E. Stott said she did not want to submit her two victims, each almost 30 years old, to potentially grueling trials with the possibility of acquittals.

Listing the factors that led her to agree to the deal, Stott said: The events occurred separately, so the cases would be tried separately. There were no corroborating witnesses or forensic evidence. There was no confession; Shelton's plea could not be used against him. The victims made inconsistent statements. Shelton would have witnesses testify positively about him. The events happened about 15 years ago. Juries want forensic evidence, and they don't want any doubt before convicting a pastor of a sex offense.
source: By Tom Jackman ,Washington Post Staff Writer, Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Re: Court Information

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 7:02 am America/Denver
by Cynthia
Pat Williams wrote:
Another of the things which has changed about his testimony which I noticed, but which wasn't brought up in the court document was the difference in age from his initial police report. News Release: 08/080/2600/BW/(3) from the Fairfax County Police Department:
"In November of 2008, a 22-year-old man contacted police to report that he had been molested by Shelton when he was 8 to 9 years old."

Of course Pickle got a statement from him way before this and always maintained he was 8 years old also, so I don't know how that could be a mistake. But strangely when Alex testified in court the story is he was 11 years old. That appears to be a big difference to me, and I have seen no explanation for it.

Hmmmm... I was just doing some math. The Prosecutor reportedly told the Judge:"the only evidence would be the two men's testimony about events up to 15 years ago"

Dennis Turley claims he was molested in 1998. That is 12 years ago. So he has no testimony going back 15 yrs. If Alex Walker was 11 and it was 1998 as he now claims, that would also be 12 years ago, and he also would have no testimony going back 15 years.

ONLY if he was 8, as the news release from the Fairfax police dept stated that he first reported, would he have testimony going back to 15 yrs ago.

But, I think, if I remember correctly, the problem with Alex and Pickle claiming he was 8 yrs old, and was molested 15 yrs ago, is that he wasn't a foster kid of the Walkers yet, or adopted, so there was no way he could ever even have been in Virginia, or been anywhere around Tommy in Virginia. He couldn't even have been with his adopted brother and sister-in-law there as he hadn't even met them yet... Can any one confirm or deny this?

In any case, a 3 year difference is a bit much imo. There also appears to me to be a major discrepancy in the time line needing to be explained.

Re: Tommy...

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:14 am America/Denver
by Cynthia
Well Alex claims he became a member of the Walkers household at 8 mos old, so if that is true, and I don't know for sure whether it is or not, I was mistaken.

I would still like to hear an explanation of the 3 year time difference, but so far he's ignoring that question, and neither he or Pickle have offered any explanation of why they both claimed before 2008, that he was molested 15 years ago at age 8, and now the claim is he was molested at age 11, in 1998. It looks like we will have to wait for further court testimony and hearings for an answer.

Re: Tommy...

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:38 pm America/Denver
by Pat Williams
It appears my earlier post were copied over onto Pickle's forum and Alex posted the following there:
Alex L. Walker
Senior Member
Gender: Male
Posts: 125

Re: SNAP to appear at the Community Church of God in Dunnloring, Va. tomorrow.
« Reply #138 on: Today at 07:31:08 AM »

I spoke to the prosecutor Kathy Stott yesterday about this perjury claim that the other side is now throwing out. Her responce: She laughed. She said that there is no way that the other victim or I would be charged with perjury if Tommy is found innocent.

She stated: "One judge already found probable cause to move forward and another judge rejected the plea deal because he believed the victims. She said that there is zero chance of a perjury charge of either victim if Tommy is found innocent. They are in dream land."

She also said that this is a clear tactic of intimidation and even possibly witness intimidation. Now that I'm sure she would be more than happy to charge someone with.
Two more things.

I am quite sure that a "not guilty" or "innocent" judgment for Tommy by itself would not result in a perjury charge for either Alex,or Dennis, so of course I would never say something so silly.

What I said, in reply to another member here [not Alex] who posted the following:
" When what Alex has told in Court is proven to be lies, Tommy will have no choice but to sue for his court expenses." "...Tommy Shelton's attorney advised him to sue"

Was this:
"Courts and Juries do not look kindly on perjury, nor does the police. If Alex (or Dennis) is indeed proven to be lying in court, he is gonna be in big trouble"

Notice the "if" which I bold texted in my earlier post and the "proven to be lying" part?

Perjury involves lying.

If Alex is not lying, and it cannot be proven he lied, either to the police or in court, then he has nothing to worry about.

If, on the otherhand, it can be proven, then he may have multiple counts to face. IF...

I am sure that many remember the high profile sexual assault case in 1997 when just days before the Dallas Cowboys were set to play the Carolina Panthers in a playoff game, this Dallas women falsely accused Michael Irvin and Erik Williams of raping her in William's home. It turned out, no assault had occured and that there was no opportunity as the woman was never even at his home on the date in question. She ended up recanting her story, was charged, and took a plea bargain for perjury requiring 90 days in jail and a fine.


I already posted that "I'm sure some will freak out, like Alex already did, saying I am trying to intimidate him. That's ok, I'm not. I am just saying one should consider all. The courts will decide fairly, God willing."

and of course Alex did claim that: "Yes I'm going to say you're trying to intimidate me because that is exactly what it is."

And as I said, that's ok, I'm not, but he can say whatever he thinks, even if wrong.

"She [the Prosecutor/Commonwealth Atty K. Stott] also said that this ["Courts and Juries do not look kindly on perjury, nor does the police. If Alex (or Dennis) is indeed proven to be lying in court, he is gonna be in big trouble"] is a clear tactic of intimidation and even possibly witness intimidation. Now that I'm sure she would be more than happy to charge someone with."

Alex may be ignorant of the law, but I am quite sure she is not, nor am I. He's lying, and that should be readily apparent to anyone looking up the legal definitions.

Again with the paranoia and the fear factor...

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:31 am America/Denver
by Cynthia
Global Moderator
« Reply #139 on: Yesterday at 11:28:47 AM »

Alex, I would advise against allowing them to bait you into discussion of matters related to any case currently active or pending in the legal system.
Global Moderator

« Reply #143 on: Yesterday at 02:58:24 PM »

Again Alex. Its probably not a good idea to let Nosir Myzing, Pat, Cindy or anyone else bait you into any further discussion of ongoing and pending legal matters.
Alex L. Walker
Senior Member
« Reply #144 on: Yesterday at 04:45:02 PM »

You are correct. It is pointless trying to explain anything to *********.

Edited to remove inappropriate content.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 08:00:53 PM by Snoopy »
Global Moderator
Veteran Member

« Reply #145 on: Yesterday at 07:16:27 PM »

The primary reason any of them would have for communicating with you is to bait you into making statements that they will twist into attempts to hurt you. You need to assume that they are here specifically to hurt you, and that any communication they have with you has only one purpose behind it, and that is to destroy you.
That's false, and is just plain poppycock. Always falsely accusing others of what they do... That describes what Pickle and company has done all along, but no one here has twisted what's said, or attempted to hurt or destroy anyone, and wouldn't, so there is nothing to support his accusations and fear mongering or prove that.

As far as I am concerned there is nothing wrong with trying to get the facts and determine what the truth is, in fact that's what we should do. "prove all things, hold fast that which is good" "The truth will set you free" I believe we should also walk in love and by faith, and not in fear, and encourage one another in that. "If God be for us, who can be against us?" "The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe." "What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee." "In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me."

But Mundall just keeps attempting to instill fear in others and I do not and cannot believe that is of God. That is dead wrong imo. "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."

I have posted about this before, so that is all I have to add here...

Cynthia wrote:
Re: Attempted Witness Tampering
« Reply #216 on: Yesterday at 04:19:07 PM »


Now, the folks at this site and their supporters say that many of them are annonymouse because they are afriad of Danny's retribution.............LOL!!!....oooops!..........sorry! So, what is the excuse for the other side? Danny must be please as punch with them.

Edited to remove inappropriate content.

Last Edit: Yesterday at 04:36:16 PM by Artiste
Well of course I am not anonymous, but used to be, and I think the main reason many are is that simply it's just not a safe thing to go on the internet and reveal your identity and private info. For others defending 3ABN? well we have learned through experience that Pickle and crew aren't just content to know who we are, they have to harass us, contact family members, pastors etc, and dig for dirt to attack or intimidate, and then create it out of virtually nothing if they get hold of any little piece of info, or twist anything said into something else. That has happened to more than a few of us, so I don't blame the rest for preferring to stay private and not subject themselves or their families etc to abuse.

But regarding 3ABN's accusers... and why they are afraid? One of the things I have been both amazed and bemused by since first getting involved in these internet discussion is how many people believe Danny Shelton to be so powerful, and someone all need to be afraid of, or of how many who lie, claim that their safety depends on being anonymous. Although many Duane Clem,for one, [referred to in the letter below] who is not anonymous, and who has been posting for years now attacking DS and 3ABN, and has been one of those claiming this about Danny hasn't even had Danny reply or say one cross word or do anything to him in retaliation at all. I think many, if not most, claim they have to be anonymous out of fear so they can hide and not be accountable for the ugly and hateful things they say, and the accusations they make. I am reminded of "Sister" Kris Fiscalini in particular as I write that. [she used to try and ID all of us, and yet constantly kept up the pretense that she had to be anonymous for her own safety , and boasted many times about no one being able to identify her etc] Then lo and behold her identity is discovered and all Danny does is talk to her husband, a Pastor in the Swiss conference, at the ASI convention last year and express how disappointed he is at her unkind words and false stories... Princess Di [who wrote the quoted post above] is a moderator at BSDA, and helped administrate the 3ABN forum there where all the accusers used to hang out before the owner closed it, and known by her real name, has had more than a few unkind things to say about Danny, and has repeated many of the accusations and lies, and again Danny has done nothing and said nothing to her, nor in anyway tried to harm her. [ In fact most of the accusers have been identified by us, and again Danny has done nothing against them at all, nor despite there accusations can they claim he has]

I have met Danny on a few occasions and I have talked to him, and my impression of him was the exact opposite of what his accusers claim, he was not at all like what I read on these forums so that caused me to have questions about all of the scare tactics etc. and intimidation they claimed he used.

And although I don't know Danny very well at all, I do know others who are close to him, and work with him. In talking with them I discovered that they also don't get this fear thing, or where the idea that he controls so many and their actions and decisions comes from. Most in fact think it absurd, off base, and all that I know, or have talked to, say it's false. Yet we constantly read from Pickle and Sister and all how these people who work and volunteer are in fear of him and won't speak out and support the accusers,as their jobs and livelihood and income depends on it... The people they are talking about don't agree, yet all these strangers who know no one involved buy it and sadly post their agreement and help promote and spread lies and call it being understanding and helpful. (Problem is they are helping the wrong people, and further victimizing the real victim)

One of the interesting things revealed in the PACER documents which have been uploaded here is that Gailon Joy and Bob Pickle identified their main and "anonymous sources" when they wanted to add them as co litigants with them in the lawsuit. (Yes, they actually called them that) One of course was Linda Shelton, and another was Darell Mundall. They claimed he was their main source of financial allegations against 3abn.

Note this letter from him to Pickle (who doesn't know any better, but should). And the fear and paranoia Mundall feeds and causes in others.

Subject: It won't end
From: Derrell Mundall
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 20:58:06 -0800
To: Bob

Hi Bob,

Just want you to know that just because 3ABN and Danny chose to drop the suit against you and Gailon you shouldn't get comfortable and think its over now. It is my experience and observation that Danny doesn't allow a person to just walk away. I believe he wont let you go either. If a lawsuit doesn't work, I believe he will try something else and keep trying until he has you completely ruined and incapable of ever living a normal life again, but he will not just give up.

A very good point was made at the following link and I agree with it. forums/index.php/topic,1313.msg15462.html#msg15462

It says the following:
"That would be fine and reasonable, Bonnie, except that in with Danny they are dealing with someone who doesn't walk away. They are dealing with someone for whom a fight is a fight to the finish. When this one is over someone will walk out of the ring and someone won't. I think Duane knows that when in a fight with Danny a person doesn't ever just bite the bullet and walk away. They will not be allowed to walk away. One battle may be closing, but the war is no where near done. Look at the Linda thing. Years later Danny and his minions still pursue her and they will continue until she is irreversably crushed and has no chance of standing again."

I don't mean to be discouraging after all that you have been through, but in all fairness I have to tell you, I believe that post is accurate and that what has just concluded is simply one battle, not the war. Don't let your guard down for a minute. Stay alert and just plan on more brutal attacks coming your way.

Derrell Mundall
Pickle filed this letter in court attempting to use it as proof that Danny Shelton was out to get him. :(

Of course no brutal attacks have come Pickle's way in the past almost 2 years since this was written to him, because Mundall was lying, and just trying to instill paranoia, to further his false claims.... But it amazes me how many have bought this kinda garbage, and are all paranoid as well with no cause.

FYI: When Mundall says "A very good point was made at the following link and I agree with it" he is actually quoting and agreeing with himself, as the post and quote is from "Habenero". (So silly, and disingenuous ) For it was Darrell Mundall who was posting as Habenero on

He also posted as Beartrap on BSDA, and MSDAOL, as well as under other names, and even under his own name here on this forum. He has in fact been one or more of the main posters on every forum dealing with accusations against 3ABN since 2004, and has been known also as George, and Murcielago on adventtalk, and is an Administrator there. He is, imo, involved in the libel and attacks of 3ABN probably more than any other. In June of 2004 he registered Linda Shelton's website and was and is still listed as owner and tech contact for her website. He is currently posting repetitively on adventtalk about 3ABN as well as it's supporters and us defending them (from the character assassinations and false accusations which he helped orchestrate with all his post, claims, insinuations and games with ids) about cults, and accusing us of being cult members. I guess that makes himself a cult buster, as well as Pickle and Joy etc (shades of the dark ages and inquisitions , huh?) I agree he is one of Pickle and Joy's main sources btw, for they have consistently repeated gossip, lies and libel spread by others, (which they could never support or prove)and one of the main spreaders of that against 3ABN on the internet [and off] was, and remains Darrell Mundall.

He really needs to stop and think imo. He plays roles, and people buy it, but a lot of the problems and ugliness and publicity in regards to accusations against 3ABN, (originating with the divorce and then expanding and growing exponentially since then) lays personally at his feet. Every idle word...

But really the main character to try and instill fear and dread in others and use it against us is Satan. I think it's helpful to remember that, and that we are not to walk in fear, or even by sight. We are called to walk by faith, and for any who may feel afraid, Jesus is holding out his hand and he will lead and stay by your side and help you walk as long as you agree to accept his hand and begin to take that first step...

Re: Tommy...

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:11 pm America/Denver
by Nikolas
October 19, 2010

Honorable Judge **********,

We are Bradley and Valerie Walker, the brother and sister-in-law of Alex Larry Walker.

We would like to inform you of the false accusations that Alex has made toward Tommy Shelton.

Alex stated, “Pastor Shelton ingrained himself into my family and my personal life for years.”

Tommy has never been apart of the Walker family, as far as spending time with my parents or my younger siblings as Alex is suggesting. I, (Bradley) married into the Shelton family, and I have spent a lot of time with Tommy and his family through the years. Tommy has never been a part of Alex’s personal life at any time.

Alex also stated, “(Tommy) assisted my teenage employment at Three Angels Broadcasting Network where the abuse continued.”

Tommy did not have anything to do with Alex’s employment at Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Tommy was not working in the production department at this time. I am the one that requested for Alex to work with me in the music video department for Linda Shelton, Linda approved him to work on her crew but Alex was to remain with me due to the fact that he was a teenager working part time. I will testify to the fact that Alex was never alone and he was in my care at all times while working at Three Angels.

Alex stated, “When my brother and sister-in-law entrusted me to his care while they were attending meetings to adopt a child of their own, the defendant would pretend to take me for a bicycle ride in the woods near the church where he would force me off the trail and molest me.”

I, (Valerie Walker) will testify to the fact that I have never asked my dad (Tommy) to take care of Alex nor have I ever left Alex alone with my dad. When Alex came to Virginia to stay with us for several weeks, I would ask my mom if she would watch Alex from time to time, never my dad.

I, (Bradley Walker) will also testify to the fact that I have never asked Tommy to take care of Alex nor have I ever left Alex alone with Tommy at anytime.

Alex stated, “When I contacted the Fairfax county police and reported what had occurred to me, I had not yet been able to talk of this with anyone.”

In my one conversation I, (Bradley) had with Alex, he told me that he did not contact the Fairfax county police it was done without his permission and he was going to sue the detective that contacted him, because he did not want to be involved. I, (Valerie) can testify that I heard this conversation also.

My, (Bradley) family is very large and we all are use to hearing the biggest and inflated stories that originated from Alex, anything from baseball size brain tumors (He had last year) to saying our father died because he (Alex) didn’t want to loose his job. Alex has always embellished the truth or lied to get any attention he can.

Our hope is that you will consider the fact that Alex has gained the attention he desires and we trust that you will be just in your consideration.

Thank you,

Bradley & Valerie Walker

Re: Tommy...

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:23 pm America/Denver
by Nikolas
Alex Walkers mom and dad have just made a video where they say he has a huge problem with lying and will do anything for attention. They believe they will not see him in Heaven if he doesn't stop lying about this Tommy thing. Alex better not lie and say they didn't make it or they might be forced to show some of it.

Alex has stated many times that his parents are behind him and his mother wouldn't testify against him, yet this letter from his parents was addressed to the Judge. This is irrefutable proof of how he lies.

October 18, 2010

Honorable Judge **********,

We are Deon & Geneva Walker the parents of Alex L. Walker.

We would like to inform you of the false statements in Alex’s letter that he has presented to you….

Alex stated that when he was a child, Tommy Shelton would care for him,

“Pastor Shelton ingrained himself into my family and my personal life for years.”

We can testify to the fact that Tommy was never apart of Alex’s personal life, nor did he ever care for him while he was a child or during his school years. Tommy was not residing in the same state, Tommy lived in Virginia from 1995 to 2000 then he moved to Kentucky where he lived until June 2010.

Alex also stated, “My parents had me see a psychologist. I have treated with him for several years and have been prescribed numerous medications.”

We can testify to the fact that Alex was diagnosed with ADD with hyperactivity at the age of three years and ten months with levels of psychosocial stress due to early history of neglect. He was prescribed Ritalin at the age of four and was recommended to become involved with a psychiatric facility for his upcoming management. We’ve always had problems with Alex’s outbursts and behavioral problems as his doctors even noted that his persistent, angry, defiant moods would exhaust the whole family. Since Alex was placed in our home until he became a teenager, his attitude and embellishments has always preceded his reputation. This is one of the reasons Alex went to visit for five weeks with our son and daughter-in-law, Bradley and Valerie Walker in Virginia when he was eleven years old.

Alex also stated, “I was not able to focus in school there was constant turmoil at home because I did not know how to handle this hate I had for the defendant.”

We can testify to the fact that Alex had problems from preschool through high school; he was defiant and disrespectful to authority, lying often to gain attention.

Alex statement, “Tommy Shelton should be punished for what he did. In my eyes, there is no sentence heavy enough to give back what he has taken from me. I ask the court to do whatever it can to punish Tommy and to protect others from what was forced upon me.”

Today, Alex called and shared with me that he would be coming to Virginia this weekend to the trial but he hoped you, “The Judge” would accept the plea bargain and no harm would come to Tommy.

Alex’s Statement, “Because of what the defendant did to me I also came to resent my own dad. I am not sure why, but I have sometimes wondered if it was because my dad is also a pastor. I am glad to say that after several years, we have begun to rekindle our relationship.”

I being the Father to Alex, can say, “I have tried to maintain my relationship with Alex as I have with my other sons. The problems Alex has in his life have nothing to do with Tommy. Alex has always blamed others for his problems, and I feel his need for attention and the people he now communicates with has convinced him he can gain millions from civil suits and false claims to insurance companies. I pray that my son would only tell you the truth the whole truth and nothing else.”

And I being the Mother of Alex can state that I can see large inconsistencies with his stories of Tommy. Alex was never alone nor had the opportunity to be alone nor even around Tommy and his family while he was growing up (with the exceptions of the five weeks in Virginia while he was in the care of Bradley and Valerie). Its hard to say this about my son, but from my experience with him, you have not heard the truth. I have seen Alex in the past hurt others to gain from their misfortune and I feel Alex is deceiving you and this court.

It is our prayer that God will give you guidance in your decision and wisdom in all you do.


Deon & Geneva Walker

Re: Tommy...

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:03 am America/Denver
by Lilly
Nikolas, these letters are quite shocking. But they reveal quite a lot of information. Thanks for sharing them with us on 3atalk.

This whole saga with Tommy Shelton is ingenuous. It seems to me in looking over all, that Alex is being used. He is a pawn. Bob Pickle, Derrell Mundall, Johann T. and Linda Shelton all need Alex to go through with these accusations against Tommy Shelton because if Alex were to back out, then this means they would lose. They would lose in their desire to mortally injure 3ABN. Their motive are clear. They don't really care about Alex Walker himself. Oh, they say they do, but words are cheap.

Look at how they urge Alex to continue on with the court proceedings. Alex knows in his own heart what really is going on. It isn't too late for him to go to the court attorney, Mz. Stott, and withdraw his accusations and back out. But Pickle and Mundall and others will do their best to urge Alex to continue. Maybe he is even being forced to do this?

Has Alex been promised some money to do this? Is Pickle now busy gathering information on how to discredit Alex's mother and father, his brother Brad and his wife Valerie? Does Alex really love and care for his mother? Then how can he go through with this?

It has been my observation that when family love us in spite of our faults, that this truly is all we have in this world that really counts.