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Re: Questions by Adventalk Members

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:36 am America/Denver
by Cilghal
"Every well-meaning person should work hard on himself and in his personal circle to improve in these respects. The heavy burdens which presently plague us in such a horrible way will then vanish too. But why so many words when I can say it in one sentence, and in a sentence very appropriate for a Jew: Honor your Master Jesus Christ not only in words and songs, but rather foremost by your deeds." ~ Albert Einstein

Re: Questions by Adventalk Members

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:19 pm America/Denver
by Echo
DMundall wrote:"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." F Neitzche
I have watched as those who are fighting with the monster, Mr. Joy, have begun to think, talk act and treat others in the same manner as the monster, Mr. Joy, does... becoming themselves monsters of the same species. All are out for the blood of those who have an opposing point of view, who dare to question the monster, Mr. Joy.

Nietzsche certainly pegged that one.

You can't swim in the septic tank without getting stinky.

By beholding we become changed.

Re: Allegations by Adventalk Members

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:29 am America/Denver
by steffan
As Crystal posts on [NOT]Advent
Advent talk isn't a court room where people are under oath, so I don't need to name any names or provide any juicy details. All that needs to be known is that the co-founder of 3ABN has a problem in his attraction for very young females. His defenders know this too. They just hope it goes away because they know that it could bring him down, permanently. They also know that if they confront him on it, he will fire them...
We defend 3ABN against devilish slander like Crystal's. Danny is always forthcoming in his answers. We can't be fired because we don't work for Danny - oh look, a huge clue.

Unfortunately the daughters (and sons) of Satan are not interested in answers. All they want to do is bring down 3ABN. (Daryl would also like to bring down 3ABN, but he will protest mightily that he doesn't. I have proved it again and again whenever he does so)

I wonder which one Crystal is:

ex-employee dismissed for moral turpitude?
ex-wife who is mentally unbalanced?
unethical medical doctor?
convicted embezzler?
proven perjurer?
elder removed from his position?
irresponsible father who fails to pay child support?
a lying pastor?
a paranoid woman who thinks 3ABN is tapping her computer?
an absolute nut who would like to film a dying baby?

Re: Questions by Adventalk Members

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:56 pm America/Denver
by Daryl Fawcett
I will say it only once: I have no desire to bring down 3ABN.

Re: Questions by Adventalk Members

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:47 pm America/Denver
by Echo
Daryl Fawcett wrote:I will say it only once: I have no desire to bring down 3ABN.
Daryl, it may be that some feel that way because you seemed to do so little to rein in the behavior of some on Adventtalk. Now, from what I read over there, it is apparent that there was a power struggle going on behind the scenes. I hope that your choices from now on will make it apparent to all your true desires.

You have first hand experience with the spirit that is the driving force among that group. I stopped participating in discussions there because of that spirit. I hope that you will find a more pleasant spirit here.

Does Daryl does want to bring down 3ABN?

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:24 pm America/Denver
by steffan
Daryl Fawcett wrote:I will say it only once: I have no desire to bring down 3ABN.
There you go denying your own words and actions. Once again I will have to prove it using your own words and activities.

In talking about contacting a specific church where 3ABN was going to hold a rally, you had this to say: ... t&p=141393
We are talking about a time for action in the other topic.
How about those of you, who know personally about Danny Shelton, contacting this host pastor and telling him about all of this?
In addition, your actions speak much louder than your words. You encouraged and sensationalized all the allegations against 3ABN on your forums. When you found not much attention being paid, you then went to CF and started posting allegations. Those actions speak much louder than any bolded "I will say it only once"

More proof of Daryl's intentions

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:49 pm America/Denver
by steffan
In the thread that dealt with the sleazy "fictional" narratives "The Televangelist" and an "Unauthorized History of 3ABN" there were suggestions that a "packet" of information, all sleaze, be put together for distribution.

Guess who was busy suggesting such a thing? Yes, none other, than Daryl ("I will say it only once") Fawcett. ... t&p=138799
Perhaps a suggested contents of a packet could be posted here or in a new topic created for such a purpose?

Does Daryl does want to bring down 3ABN?

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:40 pm America/Denver
by steffan
So Daryl, please twist and spin away your own utterances. ... t&p=148503
One way to get their attention, whoever that may be, is to work at encouraging those churches involved to cancel their 3ABN rallies.

Re: Questions by Adventalk Members

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:42 am America/Denver
by Cynthia
Echo wrote:
Daryl Fawcett wrote:I will say it only once: I have no desire to bring down 3ABN.
Daryl, it may be that some feel that way because you seemed to do so little to rein in the behavior of some on Adventtalk. Now, from what I read over there, it is apparent that there was a power struggle going on behind the scenes. I hope that your choices from now on will make it apparent to all your true desires.

You have first hand experience with the spirit that is the driving force among that group. I stopped participating in discussions there because of that spirit. I hope that you will find a more pleasant spirit here.
I hope so too.. Needless to say though, many have questions and concerns about all of this (myself included).

I think we all need to be accountable, and first and foremost for ourselves. I guess a question which keeps coming to my mind is, why are we asking others to be? So we can condemn them before others, or so we can help them and others?

I don't think it is too much to expect fellow Christians who truly love and care for others, even those they may strongly disagree with, to be able to keep that in mind while discussing or questioning or even answering here.

Anyway I keep asking the Lord to remind me of that, even if he needs to smack me upside my head to get me to notice, he knows how much patience I lack here, and am in need of sometimes.. It is good practice, and builds character I have been told.. Smile.
