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Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:22 pm America/Denver
by princessdi
Look, I am aware that in order to support Danny, you all hve to believe that Linda was dealt with fairly. Trust me, she was not. However, I don't hold her faultess int his takes two. I bleieve a good measure of this is part of the "you reap what you saw". However, When he paid her far less than her part in the value of 3ABN he was wrong. Yes, it was legal and ethical according to man's corporate law, but not right in the sight of God. She was listed an employee just as he was. That was the loophole he used to do his dirt. It doesnt' matter that 250K is a lot of money, if it was not the correct amount. She was cofounder, until Danny got mad, then she became just an employee. I don't know aobut you all, but something ain't right about that picture to me. Cofounder could get half, employee can get a "more than genreous" severance.

Linda did signoff on that quickie divorce, and then tried to contest it, but the horse was already out of the gate, so to speak. She lost and Danny married Brandy the next day, before the ink dried on papers. i don't know how in the 21st century Linda that she had no other options, but she had plenty. She is not stupid, so it is also on her that she was taken advantage of.

But I know you all believe all Danny did to be in order......which is why I say this entire situation has shifted too many's moral compass.

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:49 pm America/Denver
by Donna
First, According to the forum rules, if you are going to post negative accusations as you did it must be accompanied by proof of facts, otherwise it is just your personal opinion and goes nowhere.
Second, to state that it is not right in the sight of God seems way out of order and also a personal opinion.
Third, 3ABN is a non profit organization and not owned by Danny Shelton. Linda was an employee the same as Danny or any other employee. In non profit organizations founder does not mean owner. Even Danny is not entitled to half.

princessdi wrote:Look, I am aware that in order to support Danny, you all hve to believe that Linda was dealt with fairly. Trust me, she was not. However, I don't hold her faultess int his takes two. I bleieve a good measure of this is part of the "you reap what you saw". However, When he paid her far less than her part in the value of 3ABN he was wrong. Yes, it was legal and ethical according to man's corporate law, but not right in the sight of God. She was listed an employee just as he was. That was the loophole he used to do his dirt. It doesnt' matter that 250K is a lot of money, if it was not the correct amount. She was cofounder, until Danny got mad, then she became just an employee. I don't know aobut you all, but something ain't right about that picture to me. Cofounder could get half, employee can get a "more than genreous" severance.

Linda did signoff on that quickie divorce, and then tried to contest it, but the horse was already out of the gate, so to speak. She lost and Danny married Brandy the next day, before the ink dried on papers. i don't know how in the 21st century Linda that she had no other options, but she had plenty. She is not stupid, so it is also on her that she was taken advantage of.

But I know you all believe all Danny did to be in order......which is why I say this entire situation has shifted too many's moral compass.

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:56 pm America/Denver
by odie1962

First off, don't call me "dear" since I don't know you at all.

I don't need to be an expert on divorces to state facts as they were laid out. Unlike princessdi, who says "Danny married Brandy before the ink was even dry on the divorce papers" - and really seems to have no clue. Danny remarried much later. But that fact, which is laid out in black and white, in court filings, is too much for princessdi to believe. On the other hand, she has no problem believing all those unsubstantiated tales about Danny.

Racing? IT consulting? Would you also like to talk about my career as a Navy pilot? Or the one I had wrangling horses in Arizona?

For some of us it is not a question of believing all unsubtanstiated tales. The responsibility quickie divorce" rests with two people. If LS was wrong so was DS. That has to go hand in hand.
Some of us,contrary to what you seem to believe is act have based our opinion of DS seperate from Bob and Gailon. Three individuals ,not connected to the "dynamic duo" has shaped mine.
Along with the sheer numbers of accusations. What Bob and Gailon did or did not grab out of the hat and embroider does not explain how each accusation has fact behind it. As in yes, an incident took place involving these people,but let me tell you the truth.
It is inconceivable that everyone was either a disgruntled employee or jealous of DS or TS. The only party in this whole thing that is innocent is DS. Everyone else lies.
It is not often that there are so many accusations against one man and they are all false.

On the flip side tho,Bob and Gailon has done an immense favor. They may not think so,but many that don't believe in the innocence of DS on all counts considers him the lesser of two evils. I can't think of two more repulsive individuals than this "dynamic duo"
Some things that may have in time jumped up and bit DS on the nose would be overlooked because of these two.

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:13 pm America/Denver
by steffan
I have to agree with one thing that princessdi said.

I have posted many times to readers and to 3ABN that things should have NEVER been made more detailed than "Linda defied the board and was let go"

All statements after that - all those private emails - should NEVER have been sent. Because, in a well-meaning attempt to clarify matters, all that was done was that the PickledJoy gang got material to misinterpret, distort and add false allegations to.

Let me give an example of what SDAminister (aka Pickle?) tried with Pastor Wintley Phipps. He condemned Pr. WP as a Sabbath breaker. Was there any response from Pr. WP or 3ABN? Not one. And we can see what happened to that little controversy - nothing. That is what 3ABN should have done.

Now as to what princessdi says "just stop"
How I wish that advice had been followed by her and friends at bsda, instead of being encouraged and egged on. They were busy attacking the integrity of 3ABN board members anonymously, and without a single shred of evidence and what did bsda do? Nothing. Some of the most evil slimy things were said by bsda posters to/about anybody who defended 3ABN. And what was done? Just a mass rabid pack dog attack on the defenders of 3ABN. So, princessdi, the only thing I can agree with you on is that it should have "just stopped" especially on bsda, where you did control the discussion.

Let's be clear about one thing. Danny is NOT Moses, John the Baptist or anybody else. He is Danny Shelton. But which side was publishing slimy, sleazy allegations on the internet ? That was enough to decide it for me.

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:23 pm America/Denver
by proffaberf451
princessdi wrote:Trust me, she was not.
Why in the world should anyone do that!

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:43 am America/Denver
by steffan
You seem to be so willing to buy into the PickledJoy smears, but you actually have a problem believing someone who does not publish allegations? Exactly your attitude/actions on bsda.

What was interesting was the contempt with which PickledJoy regards your friends at bsda - Calvin and Clay - once they saw that bsda had closed the 3ABN thread.
princessdi wrote:Why in the world should anyone do that!

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:11 am America/Denver
by Cynthia
steffan wrote:You seem to be so willing to buy into the PickledJoy smears, but you actually have a problem believing someone who does not publish allegations? Exactly your attitude/actions on bsda.

What was interesting was the contempt with which PickledJoy regards your friends at bsda - Calvin and Clay - once they saw that bsda had closed the 3ABN thread.

I noticed that also... might as well have spit in Calvin's face as far as I am concerned, as was total disrespect and ingratitude imo. They left and as far as I can tell don't go back, at least I never see them there, reading, posting, chatting with their former "friends" or even playing in the arcade. It is my feeling that BSDA was used as a means to an end, and when that could not be done anymore, the group left there just as they had previously left Stan's forum before that, and moved to Adventtalk. Fortunately, or maybe revealingly, both times the ugliness, and unpleasantness left with them and now they have their own little space on the net to showcase that themselves...

One thing that disturbs me though in this thread is the claims that negative opinions came from DS, or that Pickle and Joy just confirmed all that they were already convinced of, and they don't believe the "Pickle Joy smears" and didn't get their beliefs and opinions from them. Why does this bother me?

!.) Those saying they got all they believe from Danny Shelton, don't know DS, never even met him, nor have they talked to him, or ever questioned him themselves, they don't watch 3abn, have never been there, and only know what they have read on the internet yet keep on claiming they got it from DS, and that's why they don't like him, or believe he is guilty or wrong etc. They are entitled to their opinions, as am I, but what is it really based on? They got zero of that from Danny Shelton, what they got was all from Danny's accusers, all designed to make them believe the way they do now. Select quotes and emails, partial info about or from him. All twisted, misconstrewed or even outright false witness and false conclusions posted with it. All reported and published by those accusing 3abn and Danny Shelton. And that is enough for them? they think Danny told them about himself? Through the mouths and spins of his accusers? Give me a break!

If any want to know me, or about me I hope they will come and talk to me and not trust my enemies or accusers and what they say and quote from me with their spin, and think that it is the same thing. For it is not.

2.) And of course Pickle and Joy didn't convince Princess Di, and would only confirm what she had already been convinced of.. as she posted here. She's been involved in these discussions almost from the beginning back in 2004, and was convinced by the same group she befriended, and the same unsubstantiated ugliness, rumors, gossip and libel that Pickle and Joy were convinced by, and of, and lapped up without diligent questioning after her...

It is interesting to me that the group who actually seems to have started it all, seems to be made up of Linda's friends and supporters, and those they brought into it... Darrell Mundall, Johann Thorvaldsson, Kristina Fiscalini, Lynda Walcker(sp), then Lynette Rhodes, etc... That group have imo used Pickle and Joy's also as a means to an end, rallying behind them and becoming their "anonymous" sources, and their defenders, letting them stand in the forefront and champion their agenda, while never having to prove one thing they say.

I personally would have liked to see the lawsuit carried out to the end, so they would all have had to be accountable for every idle word they spoke, and all the unfounded stories they told, and the unsubstantiated allegations and rumors they spread. One reason for that is they sucked so many in by just repeating things over and over until those who read it just accepted it as established facts, and trusted the ones telling them these things. Assuming it was established facts and all knew this like them. They didn't, and still won't today question where each thing came from, who it came from or what the whole story was, or what all the facts were, and yet despite not being able to site any kind of evidence or proof when asked, they continue to believe their negative opinions and judgments are justified. Spouting negativity as facts they claim they are being fair and think they are. Sadly, propaganda works.

Koolaid can taste so sweet, actually imo sickeningly sweet, but drinking poison without question can kill you,and becomes even worse when the koolaid drinker is convinced it's all good, and shares it with another saying "trust me".

NOT, don't trust me either please. Ask questions and prove things before believing or accepting anything, and no offense intended here, but please support your own claims, and statements or I am not going to believe you or accept what you say either.

My 2 cents..

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:41 am America/Denver
by odie1962

One thing that disturbs me though in this thread is the claims that negative opinions came from DS, or that Pickle and Joy just confirmed all that they were already convinced of, and they don't believe the "Pickle Joy smears" and didn't get their beliefs and opinions from them. Why does this bother me?

!.) Those saying they got all they believe from Danny Shelton, don't know DS, never even met him, nor have they talked to him, or ever questioned him themselves, they don't watch 3abn, have never been there, and only know what they have read on the internet yet keep on claiming they got it from DS, and that's why they don't like him, or believe he is guilty or wrong etc. They are entitled to their opinions, as am I, but what is it really based on? They got zero of that from Danny Shelton, what they got was all from Danny's accusers, all designed to make them believe the way they do now. Select quotes and emails, partial info about or from him. All twisted, misconstrewed or even outright false witness and false conclusions posted with it. All reported and published by those accusing 3abn and Danny Shelton. And that is enough for them? they think Danny told them about himself? Through the mouths and spins of his accusers? Give me a break!
I have no idea who shaped the opinion of Princess Di, but I know who shaped mine. Three separate incidences involving three separate people, I believe their words and experiences with DS more than anything DS says. With those three I don't have to go and check out 3ABN. None of these individuals are known for having an ax to grind or spreading wild tales.
The incidences can not be explained away as not understanding the whole story.

Nor is it logical or feasible that there is so many accusations ,the "true" details which just happen to be known by so many. Do I believe gailon and Bob are careful in what they repeat and how much they add to it?? No.
If you hear many rumors connected to me that I am a thief it would be wise no matter what I said to guard your pocket when I was around. If I have those that can explain away every incidence of my "reported stealing" be even more on guard.

Unless I gave reports of every incidence to someone the most they can say Is they don't believe I would steal or they do believe it.
It is not feasible that every incident that is brought up,so many have the "true facts"
It is not likley to me that every complaint is because of a disgruntled employee or because Bob and Gailon lie. They do,but the knowledge at least of a situation or incidence in every case
is very unlikely.

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:27 pm America/Denver
by Donna
While you are entitled and welcome to your own opinion lets not forget that truth can be stranger than fiction. I sincerely pray that you may never find yourself in the same position as DS where others form their opinions erroneously about you.
odie1962 wrote:

One thing that disturbs me though in this thread is the claims that negative opinions came from DS, or that Pickle and Joy just confirmed all that they were already convinced of, and they don't believe the "Pickle Joy smears" and didn't get their beliefs and opinions from them. Why does this bother me?

!.) Those saying they got all they believe from Danny Shelton, don't know DS, never even met him, nor have they talked to him, or ever questioned him themselves, they don't watch 3abn, have never been there, and only know what they have read on the internet yet keep on claiming they got it from DS, and that's why they don't like him, or believe he is guilty or wrong etc. They are entitled to their opinions, as am I, but what is it really based on? They got zero of that from Danny Shelton, what they got was all from Danny's accusers, all designed to make them believe the way they do now. Select quotes and emails, partial info about or from him. All twisted, misconstrewed or even outright false witness and false conclusions posted with it. All reported and published by those accusing 3abn and Danny Shelton. And that is enough for them? they think Danny told them about himself? Through the mouths and spins of his accusers? Give me a break!
I have no idea who shaped the opinion of Princess Di, but I know who shaped mine. Three separate incidences involving three separate people, I believe their words and experiences with DS more than anything DS says. With those three I don't have to go and check out 3ABN. None of these individuals are known for having an ax to grind or spreading wild tales.
The incidences can not be explained away as not understanding the whole story.

Nor is it logical or feasible that there is so many accusations ,the "true" details which just happen to be known by so many. Do I believe gailon and Bob are careful in what they repeat and how much they add to it?? No.
If you hear many rumors connected to me that I am a thief it would be wise no matter what I said to guard your pocket when I was around. If I have those that can explain away every incidence of my "reported stealing" be even more on guard.

Unless I gave reports of every incidence to someone the most they can say Is they don't believe I would steal or they do believe it.
It is not feasible that every incident that is brought up,so many have the "true facts"
It is not likley to me that every complaint is because of a disgruntled employee or because Bob and Gailon lie. They do,but the knowledge at least of a situation or incidence in every case
is very unlikely.

Re: Maintaining DS was wrong/guilty-- based on what, and why?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:44 pm America/Denver
by odie1962
Donna wrote:While you are entitled and welcome to your own opinion lets not forget that truth can be stranger than fiction. I sincerely pray that you may never find yourself in the same position as DS where others form their opinions erroneously about you.

Of course the truth can be strange . That does nothing for the fact that it is highly unlikely that DS has had a witness or witnesses to every accusation brought up.
Have others formed opinions erroneously about me. Many times. But I lacked the ready troupe to declare me innocent because "they knew,they were there".
I could not even verify so many facts concerning my husband whom I trust implicitly. As well as I know him unless I were with him 24/7 the most I could do would be to say I trust him and don't believe he would do something like this.
Even if that were true for DS, there are three people I would believe over DS any day,.
But the flip side is Bob and gailon have almost done a favor for DS. The way they have conducted themselves and slid and slithered around many issues,most really don't care what DS has done.

If and I do mean if,the way Crystal handled her accusations with innuendo and sliminess,it really wouldn't matter to most if DS were guilty. If she happens to be a real person and not just another "bob" in drag she has been used and harmed whether she knows it or not as she has harmed "other victims" that struggle with this issue not knowing where to turn.