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Joy in Pickleville aka Fran's latest post

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 4:03 pm America/Denver
by Cilghal
Someone just forwarded to me a copy of Fran's latest post regarding the IRS and I want to make a few comments.

The first response to her post by Duane is probably only the first of the many to follow that will surmise about lies told and claims made.

What has annoyed and angered me for a very long time as I read these matters is that rather than looking for the truth in a rational manner, many posters look for a way to make what is documentable fit their preconceived beliefs or point of view or will look for something to spin or twist to support the same. There is rarely an attempt to see the other side as possibly accurate on a point and instead, the immediate response is often to call the other side liars as quickly as possible. There is rarely any rational dialogue possible because of hardened POVs. For example, rather than ask someone what they meant by what was said or written, Bob decides what HE thinks was meant and absolutely nothing seems to ever get him to admit he may have been mistaken.

I have no doubt there is Joy in Pickleville at Fran's post and we will all be told that obviously there has been a great lie told. There has been so little good news for those in Pickleville on the legal front that this is another chance to convince the world they are correct. I suspect we will see amendments to pleadings based on this belief.

However, I offer that there is possibly truth on both sides of this matter.

Gailon Joy stated in his bankruptcy examination that Fran McDonald was the one that reported what she believed to be ebay irregularities to a special unit formed for that purpose at the IRS. Until I read that statement, I had no idea such a unit existed. That immediately raised a red flag for me when considering Fran's other statements that she would be told when the claim was closed.

I have never read anywhere that I can recall that the accusations made by Fran were part of the IRS investigation that was proclaimed to be over without any penalties paid. If someone else can show a post that demonstrates this was considered please bring it to my attention. One needs to look carefully at what Fran has posted. She says that she was told the "claim" was still open.

IMO, that means that more likely than not the claim that was opened as the result of her report to the IRS may not have even risen yet to the level of investigation. I am admittedly surmising here but it seems to me that this claim that is open either has not been investigated yet or has not even been found to have sufficient evidence to rise to a level worthy of investigation.

If the above is accurate, then Fran may be entirely correct in her post regarding her claim. However, that does not mean that the IRS investigation that 3abn reported as closed was not in fact closed. Rather than calling each other liars, it would be nice to see those posting at Atalk and here to look to see how each side is telling the truth rather than bashing each other in an attempt to show the other side is lying.

Re: Joy in Pickleville aka Fran's latest post

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 6:34 pm America/Denver
by Donna

IMO Sam's response to what Fran posted was what we all should be doing more of: going to the source. asking questions and gathering facts before forming our opinions and embarrassing ourselves with a written response.


quote from Fran

I received a communication today letting me know that the claim is still OPEN! It ain't over yet!
quote from Sam
See how you all fell for that without asking the key questions?

1. Communication from whom?
2. Can you prove it?

Re: Joy in Pickleville aka Fran's latest post

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 5:54 am America/Denver
by Penny
Donna wrote:Cilghal,

IMO Sam's response to what Fran posted was what we all should be doing more of: going to the source. asking questions and gathering facts before forming our opinions and embarrassing ourselves with a written response.


quote from Fran

I received a communication today letting me know that the claim is still OPEN! It ain't over yet!
To get even more basic - what does Fran mean when she says the claim is still open?

The team over there minces their words very carefully - so when Fran does NOT say the investigation is still open, makes you wonder what she is really talking about.

Re: Joy in Pickleville aka Fran's latest post

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:02 pm America/Denver
by Jamie
I had the same questions. "communication from whom?" and "what claim?"

The answers to those questions do not appear to be forthcoming from Fran as she says she won't answer those questioning her.

If it's a secret and she doesn't want to publicly say anything to forum participants, or explain for interested/concerned readers and lurkers then why post about it to begin with? Why not just go whisper in the darkness and shadows and talk privately to those whom she will answer and offer explanations to?

The vague claims, hints, insinuations and such wear very thin and are not even close to credible after awhile.

That is most likely why the Pickle/Joy posse has dwindled to so few and their forum is all but dead.

I feel that is also why 3ABN's donation levels returned to normal and why they felt they could safely drop their lawsuit. What's the point in pursuing a case against those with no money and who only keep undermining their own testimony, and in discrediting and hanging themselves?

Re: Fran's latest "latest post"

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 10:06 pm America/Denver
by Penny
Fran wrote: On the other hand, I must pray harder for Danny. I believe he, in his mind, feels he did no wrong by what he did to Linda, while full well knowing she was the innocent party. I do not believe he has remorse for anything he has done. I do not believe he has a conscience to tell him when he is wrong and needs to ask for forgiveness from another person or even
God!. I believe he feels he is always right and can not understand why every one is upset with him! He definitely has personality disorders, big time! Has he grieved the Holy Spirit away? I am praying he has not, but the lack of remorse or concern for others scares me.
Fran needs to pray harder for herself as well. I'm not often coming across someone who is able to know what another person, whom she has never met, knows "full well". Did her training in accounting also qualify her as an authority on determining remorse, conscience, the need for forgiveness, personality disorders "big time!" and grieving the Holy Spirit?